In Uzbekistan, A Farmer Dug A Hole For A Greenhouse, And Found The Skeleton Of An Ancient Rhino – Photo

An amazing incident happened in the Uzbek village of Karatepa – one of the local farmers decided to build a greenhouse in the garden and began to dig a foundation pit for it. However, a few hours later, the man stumbled upon someone’s remains, which turned out to be a perfectly preserved skeleton of an ancient rhinoceros, writes

The excavation site was visited by biologists, archaeologists and employees of the local historical and cultural museum. They helped establish that the found remains belonged to Indricotherium, a giant rhinoceros that lived about 20-30 million years ago. It is assumed that such creatures inhabited the territory of modern Asia at that time.

  • On March 13, the bones of a prehistoric animal were found near Odessa – photo.

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