Inflammation of the pancreas: symptoms, causes and how to prevent complications

It’s the third most frequent cause of access to the emergency room worldwide among diseases of the digestive system. Let’s talk about acute pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas which manifests itself with very specific symptoms.

«The symptom that brings the patient to the emergency room is a very violent painnever tried before, what a start at the height of the stomachbecause the pancreas is positioned posterior to the stomach but approximately at that height, and that it can also affect the back. In fact, we are talking about “belt” pain, usually accompaniedand nausea and vomiting and that often yes occurs after a very large meal» – explains the Professor Gabriele Capurso, deputy director of the Center for Research and Treatment on Pancreatic Diseases of the IRCCS San Raffaele HospitalAssociate Professor of Gastroenterology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and General Secretary of the European Society for Pancreatic Diseases.

Inflammation of the pancreas: why it happens

The causes that can lead to inflammation of the pancreas are different.

«Two thirds of acute pancreatitis are due to stones of the gallbladder and the bile duct – explains the expert again. – We must imagine the tube that transports the bile and the tube that transports the pancreatic juice as two rivers that have a common mouth, that is, they carry their liquids to the same point in our intestine. If a stone, coming out of the gallbladder, goes to get stuck right at the mouth of the bile duct shared with the pancreatic one, can block it. By doing so blocks the passage of pancreatic enzymes which are made to digest what we eat. Most pancreatitis occurs therefore because a sort of self-digestion occurs: if these enzymes can’t get out because the stone blocks the passage, they end up digest the pancreas itself and to cause inflammation».

But what does it bring then to the formation of gallstones? «Calculations can be formed both for one familiarity and then one genetic predispositionis as a result of a diet with too much fat – clarifies the expert. – In fact, high cholesterol can contribute to the genesis of stones, especially in women. There are also risk factors weight fluctuations and the poor hydration: if you don’t drink enough, in fact, the bile tends to be denser.”

Also at the base is excess alcohol

If the calculations are based on approx 60% of acute pancreatitisin a 30% of cases the disorder can be linked to toxic causes or something that hurts the pancreas. «Generally theexcess alcohol – explains Professor Capurso – sometimes, even if more rarely, certain types of medications or very high triglycerides in the blood. Less frequently, however, the cause is linked to one genetic predisposition or an autoimmune mechanism».

Inflammation of the pancreas: what are the risks

Blood tests and radiological tests allow acute pancreatitis to be diagnosed and therefore to proceed with the most appropriate treatment.

“THE’80% of acute pancreatitis presents in a mild form And in a few days the patient can return home – explains Professor Capurso. – In the remainder However, in 20% of cases acute pancreatitis can have serious consequenceswith one 5% mortalitywhich is no small thing for such a frequent disease. When the patient presents to the emergency room it is not always easy to predict whether the disorder risks evolving into a serious form that requires intensive care. The danger in severe forms is indeed that pancreatitis causes a systemic inflammatory responsethat is, it inflames other organs.”

Chronic pancreatitis

A risk that should not be underestimated is also that the acute pancreatitis may recur over timethen giving rise to what is instead defined chronic pancreatitisa complex condition that leads to irreparable damage to the pancreas.

«Chronic pancreatitis it may be the result of multiple episodes of acute pancreatitis – explains Professor Capurso – the common symptom is pain which in the chronic form however often becomes daily and constant. Let’s talk about a disease that causes perhaps the strongest abdominal pain known in the gastroenterological field”.

Without considering that, when the pancreas atrophies, it stops working as it should with important consequences on the entire organism. In fact, the pancreas performs two fundamental functions: produces enzymes to digest food but it also produces insulin.

«For this reason i patients with chronic pancreatitisthey end up no longer assimilating what they eat, going towards one state of malnutrition and nutritional deficit and develop what we call type 3 diabeteswhich stands out from the others precisely because it is linked to organ damage” – explains Capurso. According to estimates, in Italy, chronic pancreatitis affects 40 people per 100 thousand. “It is therefore not a very common disease – explains the expert – however it is a complex condition, which has a significant impact on quality of life and for which there are no specific drugs. This is why chronic pancreatitis must be managed in specialized centerswho have all the multidisciplinary skills to support patients.”

The role of prevention

The lifestyle of course plays a fundamental role in the prevention of pancreatitis. Among the factors that predispose most to the risk of developing inflammation of the pancreas, alcohol but also smoking.

«Excess alcohol is often at the origin of acute pancreatitis – concludes Professor Capurso – but it should not be forgotten that smokers are twice as likely to later develop a chronic form. This is why it is essential that anyone who has had an episode of acute pancreatitis stops smoking.”

Source: Vanity Fair

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