Inflation in the city of SP decelerates in July for the 3rd month with a drop in transport

São Paulo’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.16% in July, a slowdown from 0.28% in June and 0.42% in May.

In the year, the index accumulates a high of 5.52% and, in 12 months, of 10.73%. The data were released this Tuesday by the Economic Research Institute Foundation (Fipe).

The main impact on the index in the month came from the transport group, which had its second consecutive fall in July, with a decline of 2.70%. In May, the fall had been 0.25%.

O transport group was the only one to show a drop in July, influenced by Complementary Law 194/22, which reduced ICMS rates on fuel, electricity and communications.

Of the seven groups surveyed, the highest increase was in the health group, with a 1% increase in the month. Food comes next, with an advance of 0.95%.

The housing group, which last month had fallen 0.57%, recorded a rise of 0.37% this month, reflecting the drop in electricity prices. This item had a decrease of 2% in the month. On the other hand, the item water/sewage increased by 3.61%.

On the side of falls, the highlight was the tomato, which retreated 21.51% in the month, followed by the potato, which fell by 17.43%. Then come gasoline (-14.03%), ethanol (-10.05%) and electricity (-2%).

The item with the highest increase in July was long-life milk, which advanced 21.52%. In the year, milk has already increased by 71.89% .

Then comes water/sewage (3.61%), which has already increased by 12.8% since January.

*Posted by Ligia Tuon

Source: CNN Brasil

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