Formosa State Hospital reported that six people injured in the Navy helicopter crash on Tuesday (8) were medically discharged and released. A patient was transferred to another hospital unit.
The aircraft crashed during military training in the municipality of Formosa (GO), about 80 km from Brasília, killing two soldiers. According to the Navy, the aircraft was a UH-15 Super Cougar model, belonging to the 2nd General Purpose Helicopter Squadron.
Video — Two soldiers die after Navy helicopter crash
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The Fire Department of Goiás had told the CNN that there were 14 crew on board.
Defense Minister José Múcio Monteiro expressed his “deep feeling of sadness and regret” in a statement. He said that procedures had already been initiated “to determine the causes and circumstances of the incident” by the Aeronautical Accident Investigation Commission.
PHOTOS: See images of the model of the Navy helicopter that crashed this Tuesday
Source: CNN Brasil

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