IPC-Fipe: inflation in the city of SP drops 0.03% in the 2nd quadrissemana of August

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation in the city of São Paulo, dropped 0.03% in the second four weeks of August, reversing a slight increase of 0.02% verified in the first four weeks of this month, according to data published this Wednesday (17) by the Economic Research Institute Foundation (Fipe).

In the second reading this month, five of the seven components of the IPC-Fipe rose with less force: Housing (from 0.14% in the first four weeks of August to 0.09% in the second four weeks), Food (from 0.68% to 0 .34%), Health (from 0.98% to 0.66%), Clothing (from 0.84% ​​to 0.73%) and Education (from 0.52% to 0.41%).

On the other hand, there was acceleration in the Personal Expenses category (from 0.65% to 0.77%) and deflation in Transport (from -2.74% to -2.33%) softened.

See below how the components of the IPC-Fipe were in the second week of August:

  • Housing: 0.09%
  • Food: 0.34%
  • Transport: -2.33%
  • Personal Expenses: 0.77%
  • Health: 0.66%
  • Clothing: 0.73%
  • Education: 0.41%
  • General Index: -0.03%

Source: CNN Brasil

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