Italy: He killed his father with 34 knives and was acquitted

The Italian justice acquitted a parricide, ruling that “it was a matter of legitimate defense” The Turin appeals court acquitted Alex Cotoia, 22, who four years ago murdered his father with 34 stab wounds. The Italian justice ruled that “it is a matter of legal defense”, because the young man’s father was constantly violent, both to his wife and to his two children. The murder had taken place on April 30, 2020 outside Turin, after a heated argument, during which Cotoia’s father had repeatedly accused his wife of cheating on him. The 22-year-old claimed he fatally stabbed his father, before he went into the kitchen, found the knife he was looking for and murdered him, his brother and mother. Kill the father to defend his mother, Alex Cotoia, 24 years old, also charged in appeal: “Gioia indescribibile”. In 2020, the young man killed the father Giuseppe to defend his mother during a fight in his house […]
Source: News Beast

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