Justice grants freedom to laboratory partners who failed HIV tests

The Justice of Rio de Janeiro ordered the release by Walter and Matheus Vieira, PSC Lab Saleme members laboratory in Nova Iguaçu, in Baixada Fluminense, investigated by errors in HIV testing in organs transplanted in the state.

Father and son, the businessmen were arrested in October, when the irregularities came to light. They now will respond to the process in freedom under precautionary measures.

The information was confirmed by CNN .

The failure of two HIV tests resulted in the infection of six patients with the virus in Rio de Janeiro. The reports presented false negative .

Who are the defendants

  • Matheus Sales Teixeira Bandoli Vieira, partner
  • Walter Vieira, partner
  • Adriana Vargas dos Anjos, technical coordinator (prisoner)
  • Ivanilson Fernandes dos Santos, employee (arrested)
  • Cleber de Oliveira Santos, employee (arrested)
  • Jacqueline Iris Barcellar de Assis, employee (arrested)

Remember the case

Authorities are investigating the infection of HIV patients after receiving transplanted organs in Rio de Janeiro. The case is analyzed by the State Department of Health of Rio de Janeiro (SES-RJ), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the Ministry of Health, the Federal Police, the Civil Police and the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro.

Six people contracted the disease after undergoing the procedure.

Two donors allegedly underwent a blood test in a private laboratory in Baixada Fluminense and the results were false negative.

THE CNN confirmed that the tests were carried out by the PCS Lab Saleme laboratory, which is based in Nova Iguaçu, in Baixada Fluminense. The laboratory was hired by the State Department of Health to test organ donors.

It is the first time that something like this has occurred in Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro alone, 16 thousand people have undergone transplants since 2006.

This content was originally published in Justice grants freedom to laboratory partners who failed HIV tests on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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