Khvaldimir, ‘Russian spy’ whale killed by gunfire, NGO says

Hvaldimir, the beluga whale found dead last Saturday in southwestern Norway, was shot dead, two Norwegian non-governmental organizations announced today. Since it was first spotted in the waters of the Norwegian Arctic in 2019, the whale has been a source for scenarios of every imagination. And the latest development, with the death of the cetus, may give birth to new ones. A strange belt it was wearing, when first spotted, equipped with a mount for a small camera, and a text in English “Equipment St. Petersburg” on the plastic straps of the belt, gave rise to suspicions that the whale was being used by the Russian Navy for espionage. Hence the name “Hvaldimir”, given to this white whale, [που προέκυψε από ένα λογοπαίγνιο που συνδέει τη λέξη φάλαινα (χβαλ, στα νορβηγικά) και το συνηθισμένο ρωσικό μικρό όνομα (Βλαντίμιρ). Η Μόσχα δεν σχολίασε ποτέ επίσημα τις εικασίες. Η «Χβάλντιμιρ», που ήταν νέα σε ηλικία και καλά στην υγεία της, σύμφωνα με τους βιολόγους που την παρακολουθούσαν, […]
Source: News Beast

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