Learn how to pay off your debts with Tudo em Dia CAIXA

Always being up to date with payments is the ideal scenario, but from time to time unforeseen events arise that compromise the budget and it becomes difficult to keep the bills up to date.

With this in mind, CAIXA launched the All Up to Date CAIXAcampaign for debt negotiation. Accessing the siteCAIXA customers, whether individuals or legal entities, can obtain more information and even pay off the contract in full with discounts of up to 90%.

And even if your current contract does not have a cash payment option with a discount, CAIXA offers other conditions so that you can rebuild your personal or business finances.

Special conditions are also available for housing finance. If you have FGTS, you can check the possibilities of using the balance and paying up to 80% of the monthly installment, even if you are up to 6 installments late.

For personal or business loans, CAIXA negotiates different types of debt in up to 120 installments. Are you in trouble with your credit card? No problem, CAIXA will help you pay your bill in installments with special rates.

Farmers who have Rural Credit can check the conditions available for their contract.

Tudo em Dia CAIXA offers several options to stay up to date with CAIXA.

And remember, each case is different, so it is very important to check the conditions and see what can be done for you or your company.

But don’t waste time: talk to us now! BOX and start solving your problems.

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Source: CNN Brasil

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