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Leo Zodiac Sign, Semi-Serious Identikit

July 22nd at 09:46Italian time, begins the sign of Leo, king of the zodiac, son of the Sun, leader by nature. Sometimes domineering, always generous, he puts whoever he loves at the center of his universe. But, equally, he demands to be put at the center of the universe of the people he loves. These and other characteristics of the sign are reported in the semi-serious identikit that follows. And since Leo likes the limelight, be sure to give him a round of applause at the end of reading.

The ruling planet: Sun King
The element: the Fire (of the sun-lion)
The lucky day: Sunday
The lucky number: 5
The merits: generosity, warmth of feelings, nobility of soul, determination, courage, protective instinct, cheerfulness, regality, often coolness even when it’s not beautiful according to traditional standards, perpetual motion hormones
The defect: dictatorship, a tendency to rhetoric, grandeur, arrogance, lack of cunning (which sometimes borders on stupidity), pride, a tendency to lack critical sense, the inability to accept rejection, excesses. All of them. Or almost.
The key words: I am me and you are not thirsty…
The hidden desire: to have a host of servants who satisfy him in everything, even fornication-wise
He is sensitive: to flattery, to the good life, to the fair play of others
She loves: jewelry, luxury, giving gifts, good food, cinema, music, traveling
He hates: pettiness, flea-catchers, bad weather
Favorite hobby: to shine every day with a renewed fabulousness
The ideal partner: an easy to dominate Aries, a servile Aquarius, a submissive Sagittarius
Best friends: those who show him loyalty, his traveling companions, those who pay him adoremus
The worst enemy: who has too many character shadows and is more complicated than a notebook

Source: Vanity Fair

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