The defense of former criminal police officer Cláudio Augustinho Cabral, who was arrested in the act last Monday (17) for killing his wife after an argument over the air conditioning, says that the woman shot first and that he only defended himself.
The case occurred in Santa Luzia (MG), a city located in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The victim, Jussara Ferreira de Almeida Cabral, 53 years old, was hit in the chest and back, according to police.
Lawyer Brenda Winter, who represents Cabral, says that the man was hit, while he slept, by a “firearm shot perpetrated by his wife”. He received a graze shot in the left arm.
“After being shot, in a physical struggle to take the weapon and stop the unfair aggression, an accidental shot occurred that fatally killed Jussara”, says the lawyer.
“It is worth mentioning that Cláudio was the one who called 911, asked for help from neighbors and helped the victim, even though he was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood,” he added.
On Tuesday (28), one day after the crime, the Minas Gerais Court granted provisional release to the former police officer after a custody hearing. To be released, he will have to comply with precautionary measures.
See what the defense says
“The defense of Cláudio Cabral, accused of killing his wife Jussara yesterday, in Santa Luzia, officially informs that after analyzing the arrest report in the act, it was determined at this preliminary moment that Cláudio was a victim, while he was sleeping , of a firearm shot perpetrated by his wife and that, after being shot, in a physical struggle to take the weapon and stop the unjust aggression, an accidental shooting occurred that fatally killed Jussara. It is worth mentioning that Cláudio was the one who called 190, asked for help from neighbors and helped the victim, even though he was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood.
In view of the above, the court understood that at this first moment there are no reasons for Cláudio to remain in prison and granted provisional freedom, certifying that the accused is a first-time offender, has a good record, has a permanent residence and work and does not have any police notes that discredit his conduct in almost 50 years of life.
The court decision took into account that complete investigations, issuance of reports and expert examinations will be necessary for the case to be elucidated and that for now, arrest is not a viable measure, since preventive detention is an exception and not a rule.
The case is sent to the DHPP for investigation.”
(With information from Thais Magalhães)
Source: CNN Brasil

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