Mari Fernandez on coming out as an LGBT+ relationship: “My truth”

The singer Mari Fernandez 23, commented on her fans’ reaction when her three-year relationship with dentist and influencer Júlia Ribeiro came to light. Even though they didn’t make any effort to hide their relationship, the matter was still not discussed in the media.

In an interview with CNN the artist said that “My fans want to see me happy! They like me as I am, they like my music, my delivery, my truth on stage, so it was absolutely normal.”

Mari is making a career transition from the forró and piseiro musical genres to the country music. She commented that her references were always country music, as that was the style her family listened to at home.

“My mother is a big fan of Zezé Di Camargo and Luciano, my grandmother really liked Chitãozinho and Xororó, so following this path was inevitable. Also my biggest successes in feats are with country singers, so this is a move that I had been thinking about for a long time and now we managed to execute it”, said the owner of the hit “Seu Brilho Sumiu” to CNN .

The singer commented that she is being well received by artists who are already established in the caipira universe and, furthermore, that her friends are facilitating the transition between musical genres.

Mari reported that she still wants to make innovations in her releases for Carnival and the São João festivities, but that she will continue investing both in country music and in the styles she started singing — forró and piseiro.

Along with her career transformation, the singer went through a time when she invested in her health and, as a result, had a change in her appearance when she lost weight.

Even though she approaches society’s standard of beauty, she said the comments continue.

“Regardless of whether you have a thin body or not, there will always be someone who doesn’t ‘approve’, but for me, the most important thing is my health, I’m happy with my body and, above all, satisfied with the results on my health,” she said.

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This content was originally published in Mari Fernandez about coming out in an LGBT+ relationship: “My truth” on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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