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McDonald’s and Panera Bread register trademarks for virtual restaurants in the metaverse

The famous fast food chain McDonald’s and the American bakery chain Panera Bread have filed trademark applications to launch virtual restaurants in the metaverse.

McDonald’s has filed 10 trademark applications. One of them describes “the launch of a virtual restaurant with the ability to sell real and virtual goods, as well as the launch of a virtual restaurant with an online order for home delivery.”

Panera Bread, a chain of bakeries and cafes, describes the use of collectible tokens (NFTs) to conduct commercial transactions with virtual food and beverages, as well as work with computer programs to access such tokens in the metaverse. As part of the launch of the new Paneraverse brand, the company also plans to launch its own virtual restaurants with home delivery features.

As trademark lawyer Josh Gerben explained, companies need to re-register trademarks because previous filings did not take into account the emergence of NFTs and new technologies:

“This is a fairly common occurrence – filing applications for re-registration of trademarks when new technologies appear. This is how they protect their interests.”

It should be noted that various popular global brands, including Nike and Samsung, are entering the metaverse. Research firm Gartner predicts that in four years, 25% of people will be spending at least one hour a day in the metaverse, whether it’s work, shopping, entertainment, or school.

Source: Bits

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