Categories: Politics

Measure that releases more than R$360 million to minimize the effects of the cyclone in RS is approved

Measure that releases more than R0 million to minimize the effects of the cyclone in RS is approved

This Tuesday (27), the Senate approved Provisional Measure (MP) 1,188/2023, which released R$360.9 million with the aim of reducing the effects of the extratropical cyclone that hit Rio Grande do Sul in September 2023 The MP is headed for promulgation.

The credit was forwarded to three ministries: Defense; Regional Integration and Development; and Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger.

The Regional Integration and Development portfolio received most of the resources. R$211 million was allocated to protection, civil defense and recovery actions in cities affected by disasters. The resource must be used, for example, to provide food baskets, water, mattresses, hygiene and cleaning kits, fuel, tiles and urban cleaning.

For the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, R$123.5 million was allocated. Most of the resources were allocated to purchasing and distributing food from family farming. In addition, the money was also invested in structuring the service network of the Unified Social Assistance System (Suas), in special social protection actions and in rural productive inclusion.

The Defense portfolio received R$26.4 million, which was allocated for air and ground search and rescue actions, damage assessment and transport of a field hospital to the region.

Source: CNN Brasil