Ministry of Health launches campaign against dengue, zika and chikungunya

The Ministry of Health launched this Tuesday (8) the campaign “Do you have 10 minutes? The time to prevent is now”, which aims to encourage the population to combat dengue, zika and chikungunya, eliminating breeding grounds for Aedes Aegypti, the mosquito that transmits these diseases.

The campaign has an investment of R$1.5 billion and aims to guide people to dedicate 10 minutes of their day to removing mosquito breeding sites.

In addition, the campaign will provide information on early diagnosis, medical care, the risk of self-medication and the location of health centers.

The initiative will be widely publicized on open TV channels, radio, internet, sound cars and mass circulation points.

According to the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, the intention is to reduce the number of cases and deaths and prepare the population for the next rainy season.

Regarding vaccination, the minister admitted that availability remains low due to the number of doses provided by manufacturers.

Until October 1st of this year, Brazil registered 6,533,585 probable cases of dengue. In all of 2023, there were 1,649,146.

Regarding Zika, as of September 21, there were 6,311 probable cases, compared to 11,534 in 2023.

For chikungunya, until this month, 258,396 probable cases were recorded, while in 2023 the total was 158,060.

This content was originally published in Ministry of Health launches campaign against dengue, zika and chikungunya on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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