The new season of “Monsters ”, a Netflix series that portrays real crimes, was inspired by the case of Menendez brothers young people from the American elite who murdered their own parents with 12 shots in 1989 . The second phase of the series premieres on Thursday (18).
Each season of the production is based on a real crime that occurred in the United States. The first season told the story of the killer Jeffrey Dahmer.
Understand the crime
On August 20, Lyle and Erik Menendez killed their own parents, Jose and Kitty, at the family’s home in Beverly Hills, California, United States. At the time, they were 21 and 18 years old and shot the couple more than 12 times with shotguns.
Less than a year after the murders, in March 1990, Lyle was arrested, followed by Erik three days later. Neither attempted to deny the crimes during their separate trials in 1995.
Watch the trailer for season 2 of “Monsters”
This content was originally published in “Monsters”: season about the Menendez brothers case premieres on Thursday on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.