Multiple sclerosis, there is a new home support program for patients

Better quality of life also means being able to count on a broad and punctual home care support for patients suffering from chronic diseases.

This is exactly why the new support program MS Kare for people diagnosed with multiple sclerosisresearched and launched by Novartis, which allows patients to live with greater safety and serenity in the therapeutic process. A patient support project that is part of a wider process that the pharmaceutical company has already started, in line with the guidelines of the PNRR which stimulates the territoriality of care.

There Multiple sclerosis, a disease that affects about 2.3 million people worldwide, with its chronic and progressive nature and high incidence in the youngest and most productive segment of society (20-40 years), has a significant impact on school education , on professional life, on relationship life and in general on the autonomy of the individual; characteristics that make it one of the neurological diseases with the highest impact on the Italian population.

The project was born with the aim of improve the overall management of the patient in all phases of his care pathway, from the carrying out at home of the blood tests of screening – with subsequent online report available to doctor and patient – al assistance path with dedicated nurse in support of the patient, as well as throughout the therapeutic process, through services that accompany the patient and provide him with solutions that simplify his daily life, such as home delivery of the drug it’s a dedicated call centre to answer any questions.

«Multiple sclerosis radically changes the lives of people forced to live with it: in addition to the diagnosis and the inevitable path of chronic and degenerative disease, further difficulties of a psychological, relational and work nature are added, every life context and project must deal with the presence of the disease and its management, impacting the quality of life of the person but also that of family members and caregivers – he comments Mario Alberto Battaglia, President of the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and Director General of the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association – This is why it is essential that the care of the person with MS is all-encompassing and personalized, but above all centered on the person and his needs. In this desirable paradigm shift, the domiciliation of care, assistance, training and consultation therefore plays a crucial role”.

The program is part of the treatment path established by the clinician on the basis of the characteristics of the individual patient and offers a series of services capable of improving the home management of therapy in each of its phases, so as to ensure adherence and improve quality of life for the patient in therapy.

«In the domiciliation of the management of chronic and complex pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, telemedicine and e-health are now essential realities»highlights Damiano PaolicelliProfessor of Neurology of theAldo Moro University of Bari and Head of the SM Center, Polyclinic of Bari. “The introduction of digital tools requires us to rethink our traditional model of taking charge and relationship with the chronic patient, offering innumerable advantages, first of all constant monitoring to ensure the safe management of the most suitable therapy for him”.\

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Source: Vanity Fair

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