The National Mining Agency (ANM) sent, this Monday, a team to inspect the piles of waste, that is, a product with no economic value, from the Fábrica Nova Mine, under the responsibility of Vale, which is located in the district of Santa Rita Durão , in Mariana (MG).
Participating in the inspection are the Civil Defense of Mariana, the Civil Defense of Minas Gerais, the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG), (AMN) and the Minas Gerais Environmental Foundation.
Last Friday (10), ANM immediately banned and suspended waste disposal activities in piles at the Fábrica Nova Mine due to failure to prove the stability of the structures.
Due to the ban, the MPMG opened an investigation to investigate the causes of the ban. According to the agency, detailed information should be released later this week.
According to Mariana City Hall, there was no need for evacuation and there is no imminent danger for the local population.
“Following the meeting, a document will be prepared on the integrity of the piles and the continuity of mining activities at the site. There is no definition of evacuation of residents from the region”, informed the mayor in a note.
Questioned by CNN Brasil, Vale informed that “the company is following an inspection by ANM and Civil Defense for the necessary clarifications on the stability conditions of the structures, which remain unchanged. It is important to emphasize that the company’s geotechnical structures are permanently monitored by a specialized technical team.”
Source: CNN Brasil

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