Sexual violence, this is the accusation made by several women against the British writer and screenwriter Neil Gaimanauthor of many successes including the series of Sandman And Coraline. Eight women were against him, whose testimonies were published by The New York Magazine. Four are unpublished voices, the others had already told their experiences in the Tortoise Media podcast which last July had turned the spotlight on Gaiman and the alleged sexual abuse committed by him.
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Among Gaiman’s alleged victims, the family’s former babysitter, Scarlett Pavlovichwho was the first to accuse him. The woman, who was 22 when she met Gaiman’s ex-wife, Amanda Palmerrevealed that while she was caring for the couple’s son, who was then five years old, she was invited by the writer into a tub in the garden of the house and that he forced her into non-consensual intercourse there. Certainly not an isolated case, the woman pointed out, who al The New York Magazine she said Gaiman called her «slave» and forced her to perform sadomasochistic practices: the two would have had sexual intercourse even in front of the child.
The article points out that all the women at one point agreed to call Gaiman “master”but also that certain practices had not been agreed upon before they occurred, hence the accusation of abuse. The opinion of the writer’s lawyer was different, who had already clarified his client’s position to Tortoise: «Sexual degradation, slavery, domination, sadism and masochism may not be to everyone’s taste, but between consenting adults it is legal ».
Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual abuse by eight women.
Variety/Getty ImagesPavlovich’s first complaint dates back to January 2023but the case was closed, as confirmed by police at The New York Magazine. After the events, the woman also reached a confidentiality agreement with the man in exchange for $9,200 paid in nine different payments. However, the issue is now back in the news following the investigation by The New York Magazine, and the fact that other women have accused the writer could have consequences for you. Gaiman, for his part, has always denied all accusations after the release of the podcast, stating that all relationships were consensual.
Among Gaiman’s accusers is the family’s former babysitter.
Gary MillerSource: Vanity Fair

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