NGO is target of operation on suspicion of involvement with organized crime

The Civil Police and the Public Ministry of São Paulo carried out an operation this Tuesday morning (14) against lawyers and leaders of an NGO. The suspicion is that they are involved in organized crime.

12 preventive arrest warrants and 14 search and seizure warrants were served against the suspects in the cities of São Paulo, Guarulhos, Presidente Prudente, Florida Paulista, Irapuru, Presidente Venceslau and Ribeirão Preto, in the state of São Paulo, and in Londrina, in Paraná.

According to the police, investigations began around three years ago, when a visitor to Penitentiary 2 of Presidente Venceslau tried to enter with memory cards hidden in his clothes.

The items were seized and analyzed. Furthermore, the manuscripts of inmates pointed to the criminal practice of sectors of a faction, divided into “ties”, “health” and “financial”.

As determined, lawyers are responsible for the “ties” sector, which has the function of providing legal assistance, in addition to managing other departments of the criminal organization, such as “health”, to select doctors and dentists to provide care within of penitentiaries.

These health professionals are selected and provide the service, including surgical and aesthetic interventions, without knowing that they are collaborating with the members of the faction, even though they receive significant amounts for the service.

The investigations discovered that the organization finances these procedures through resources obtained through criminal practices, intermediated by the “financial” sector.

THE CNN contacted the São Paulo Public Ministry to obtain more details about the operation, but did not receive a response until the publication of this article.

* Under supervision

This content was originally published in NGO is target of operation due to suspected involvement with organized crime on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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