Olly and the beauty of making us all feel like we’re in the same boat

This article is part of Vanity Fair’s Inspiring Icons special. Cinema, music, fashion, design, books, beauty, health, technology, innovation: ideas, characters and talents capable of being an inspiration for everyone. Here and on newsstands until January 28th.

Olly, aka Federico Olivieri, is 24 years old and is truly Genoese. In February 2023 he participated in Sanremo Youth and has won a place among the Ariston Bigs. From there something happened. His latest album, Whole lifemade its mark in 2024.

Olly, who has Vasco and De André as role models, is far from today’s misogynistic rap and summer hits. His songs are a generational manifesto: there’s mental health, the feeling of not being up to par, the digs at the music industry and a hyper-performing world of work. Last December, those who were present at his first big concert at the Fabrique in Milan witnessed a collective ritual: thousands of girls and boys sang every single word, cried, laughed.

We like Olly so much because he looks like us, because it’s real life. «It’s not victimization», he assures, «it’s like saying: “Guys, calm down, we’re all in the same boat”». In 2025 he aims higher, and we believe in it: the return to Sanremo with Stupid nostalgia (“This song talks about nostalgia, a sensation well known to seafarers and I’m from Genoa. You can have nostalgia for something you’ve experienced, but also for something you haven’t experienced”), the first Forum in Milan and 14 other sold out dates.

Source: Vanity Fair

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