A routine bath resulted in a sad case of the death of a puppy. Angélica Alves left her four-year-old dog, Haxa, last Tuesday morning (3), at a pet shop in Planaltina de Goiás, called My Pet.
The tutor reported to the CNN that the owner of the establishment stated that the dog was calm, that she did not need to worry. However, when his son arrived at the scene, he saw, through the glass door, Haxa hanging alone in the pet shop, then he ran to hold her but the little dog was already lifeless, and that was the moment the family learned of his death.
“In my house we are all unstructured. My son who saw the scene is not sleeping at night, the youngest sleeps hugging her sheet, I try to be strong, but I am destroyed, I cry in the shower, I cry when I am walking down the street alone, when I lie down so that my children are not seeing me cry and they got worse than they are”, says Angélica in an interview with CNN .
According to reports, the employee had gone out for lunch and left the dog on the counter, tied only by the neck. Finally, the guardian states that there will be a process and that she is already separating the necessary documents to send to her lawyer.
In a statement, the establishment expressed its regret for what happened and apologized to all of the animal’s owners. It also highlights that the establishment covered the costs of sending the body to the crematorium and terminated the employee who was responsible at the time.
Finally, this Monday (9), the pet shop announced the temporary closure of the location, and reinforced its shock due to the loss of the dog, which had been its customer since 2021. The establishment was vandalized and closed for security reasons.
*Under supervision
This content was originally published in Son of guardian goes to get dog from pet shop, but finds animal hanging on the grooming table on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.