A series of photos and a long message of love: «Living with you in these last years has been an indescribable whirlwind and I couldn’t dream of anyone more perfect for me to do all this with». As Paris Jackson tells her followers that she is officially engaged to Justin Long.
Inside the post there are passionate kisses, selfies and, above all, the moment in which the music producer gets down on his knees to ask his daughter’s hand in marriage. Michael Jackson. Obviously among the numerous shots there is also one in which the engagement ring on the model and actress’s finger is clearly visible.
Paris Jackson and Justin Long. (photo from Instagram @parisjackon)
The glittering precious sign is Jean Dousset, great-grandson of Louis Cartier – the founder of the eponymous luxury jewelry brand – and expert in the creation of diamonds in the laboratory: jewels that share the same characteristics as those extracted from mines but with the great difference of being sustainable. Their environmental and social impact, in fact, does not harm the environment or people.

It took a month to make the solitaire and the goldsmith personally chose the 3-carat stone, with a cut baguettes rectangular, set in the center of the ring. Furthermore Jean Dousset, as he explains to Page Sixincorporated some references to the number seven (a significant figure for Paris Jackson): both in the shape of the band and in the number of diamonds inserted in various parts of the setting.
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The choice of a sustainable diamond is not surprising and perfectly reflects the personality of Paris Jackson. The singer of Let Down not only is she vegan, but she has often taken part in sustainable fashion initiatives: for example, she has long been the face of Stella McCartney and posed for the designer with mushroom-based alternative leather creations.
In short, there could be no perfect jewel to ask for the hand of Paris Jackson: breathtakingly beautiful and also environmentally friendly.
Source: Vanity Fair

I’m Susan Karen, a professional writer and editor at World Stock Market. I specialize in Entertainment news, writing stories that keep readers informed on all the latest developments in the industry. With over five years of experience in creating engaging content and copywriting for various media outlets, I have grown to become an invaluable asset to any team.