PEC allocates R$ 6.8 billion to readjust the minimum wage

The budget rapporteur, senator Marcelo Castro, released a detailed table of how the R$ 145 billion released for the 2023 Budget will be allocated if the PEC of the Explosion is approved in the Chamber of Deputies this week.

The readjustment of the minimum wage above inflation will cost R$ 6.8 billion. It is a campaign promise of the president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. His opponent in the electoral race, Jair Bolsonaro, had also said he would do the same.

The rest of the resources will be divided among the different ministries. The biggest part – R$75 billion – goes to the Ministry of Citizenship to guarantee the readjustment of Bolsa Família to R$600 and an additional R$150 per child.

The Health area will also benefit, with R$ 22.7 billion in resources. The recomposition of the Popular Pharmacy program is part of this package, with R$ 1.8 billion.

Next comes Education with BRL 11.2 billion and the Ministry of Regional Development with BRL 9.5 billion. This money will be used to resume the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program, for the construction of popular housing, one of the banners of the PT administrations.

A heading called Union Financial Charges was left with another R$ 5.75 billion, which will be borne by the Ministry of Economy. This is Pronampe, a program to support small and medium-sized companies, created at the time of the pandemic by the Jair Bolsonaro government.

See the full table:

Source: CNN Brasil

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