The series “Penguin” premiered on September 19th. The first episode aired on HBO and was available on Max at 10pm. Check out when the other episodes will be released below.
Set in Gotham City the scenario of Batman and other DC productions the production follows Oz Cobb, also known as the Penguin in the universe. The plot continues the events of the Batman character’s last film, focusing on Cobb’s rise within the mafia.
The series stars the Oscar-nominated actor Colin Farrell (“Na Mira do Boss” and “Os Banshees de Inisherin”), who also plays the character in “The Batman“ (2022).
When are all the Penguin episodes released?
The episodes will be released weekly on HBO, at 9pm, and will be available at the same time on Max, the studio’s streaming service.
- 1st episode – September 19;
- 2nd episode – September 29th;
- 3rd episode – October 6th;
- 4th episode – October 13th;
- 5th episode – October 20th;
- 6th episode – October 27th;
- 7th episode – November 3;
- 8th episode – November 10th.
Watch the Penguin trailer
See also: all the actors who have played Batman in theaters
This content was originally published in “Penguin”: when will all the episodes of the series be released? on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.