The Civil Police of Pernambuco began, on the morning of this Thursday (26), Operation Connivance. The action, led by the Police Department for Vehicle Theft and Robbery, aims to dismantle a criminal organization involved in vehicle thefts using weapons, receiving stolen goods and tampering with the identification marks of automobiles.
The investigations, which began in March 2023, identified a criminal network operating in the state.
This Thursday, eight warrants are being served in Limoeiro, in the Agreste region of Pernambuco, in Camaragibe, Jaboatão dos Guararapes and São Lourenço da Mata (PE), in Greater Recife, and in São Miguel de Taipu, in Paraíba.
In addition to the arrest warrants, seven search and seizure warrants were issued by the First Criminal Court of the District of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in the metropolitan region of the capital.
Around 70 civil police officers, including delegates, agents and clerks, are involved in carrying out the operation, which also has the support of the Intelligence Directorate of the Civil Police of Pernambuco and the Special Operations and Resources Command, in addition to the collaboration of the Civil Police of Paraíba.
This content was originally published in Pernambuco Civil Police launches operation against vehicle theft on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
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