The Federal Police launched an operation this Wednesday (11) that aims to dismantle a criminal organization specialized in counterfeiting rings from the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama).
Fake rings are used to give the appearance of legality to illegally captured birds, feeding the wild animal trafficking . The ring is a small metal ring with a number that identifies each bird. This way, it is possible to know where it came from and whether it was created legally.
According to the PF, investigations indicate that the main suspect leads the criminal scheme, manufactures and distributes adulterated rings with numbers registered in the official Ibama system, originally linked to birds that have already died or disappeared.
These fake rings are sold to third parties in various parts of the country, with the aim of being placed on illegally captured birds. With these rings, the birds appeared to be “legal” and could be sold without problems.
The expected penalty is imprisonment for two to six years and a fine.
* Under supervision
This content was originally published in PF carries out operation against counterfeit rings for bird trafficking on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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