The Federal Police launched this Thursday morning (23) the Operation Drugsitter to arrest the person responsible for managing people recruited to transport drugs abroad. Last weekend, two Brazilians were arrested with 200 cocaine capsules in their intestines at Guarulhos International Airport, in São Paulo.
Agents served an arrest warrant and a search and seizure warrant against a woman accused of operating drug trafficking, by ingesting capsules containing cocaine, last Wednesday (22) in Manaus.
According to the PF, the suspect would be responsible for the transportation, accommodation and food of the people who were co-opted to transport the drugs to Europe, accompanying the individuals from Amazonas to the places where they remain, in São Paulo, until their departure. for the international trip.
The investigations at Guarulhos International Airport were initiated after the arrest of three “drug mules” who were going to France, where the police, by collecting information on the seized materials, documents and cell phones, were able to identify the member of the criminal group.
*Under supervision
This content was originally published in PF carries out operation to combat trafficking through the ingestion of capsules on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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