PF investigates fraud in the purchase of Covid-19 detection tests in Rio de Janeiro

The Federal Police took to the streets this Tuesday (14) to carry out 26 search and seizure warrants in seven cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The objective is to investigate a possible fraud in the bidding process for the purchase of Covid-19 quick test kits.

The investigation began after another action, in September 2020. The Office of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) carried out an analysis of contracts issued by the Municipality of Japeri and proved an overpricing in the bidding processes for the purchase of the tests.

The investigation shows that three companies that participated in the bidding process acted together to circumvent the bidding and favor the company that won the process. Only one of the contracts signed was in the amount of R$ 2 million.

The same companies, according to the PF, participated in several bids in several other cities in the state, reaching a financial turnover of R$ 20 million in fraud.

By court decision, those investigated, both individuals and legal entities, will have bank accounts blocked, assets and values ​​sequestered. A partial balance reports that luxury vehicles, computers, documents and cell phones were seized. Those involved will answer for the crimes of fraud in the bidding and embezzlement, which is the embezzlement of public money.

About 120 police officers participate in Operation Reativo. The warrants were issued by the 4th Federal Court of São João de Meriti and are being fulfilled in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, in Japeri, Laje de Muriaé, Nilópolis, São João de Meriti, Nova Iguaçu and Mesquita.

Reference: CNN Brasil

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