The Federal Police (PF) launched, this Tuesday (5), an operation against a group suspected of negotiating the purchase and sale of 43 thousand weapons for the heads of the country’s largest criminal factions in three years. In total, 19 people were arrested, five of them in Brazil and the other 14 in Paraguay.
According to the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, R$66 million was blocked. The suspicion is that the group has moved more than R$1 billion.
The agents carried out 17 search and seizure warrants in Brazil, and 21 in Paraguay.
“This action with Paraguay will mean that the two largest Brazilian factions that were the main recipients of these illegal weapons will have to close this logistical route to carry out their operations”, said Dino.
Main target
Argentine Diego Hernan Dirísio is considered an international fugitive by the Federal Police (PF) after not being found during the Dakovo operation this morning.
According to PF sources, Dirísio is the main target of the action, which investigates the sale of 43 thousand weapons to the main criminal factions in Brazil, which have a strong presence in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
According to an investigation by the Bahia Sensitive Investigations Group (Gise), coordinated by the Brasília PF, the target purchased weapons manufactured in countries such as Croatia, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Slovenia, to sell to Brazilian criminals. However, before the sale, the items passed through Paraguay.
The PF says that 43 thousand weapons were smuggled to the Red Command and Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). This scheme generated R$1.2 billion, according to investigations.
The Argentine is considered the biggest arms smuggler in South America and sold weapons through a company in his name, in the Paraguayan capital. The Bahia Court ordered that his name be included in the Interpol Red Diffusion, so that he can be arrested in any country.
In update
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.