The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), the Aircraft KC-30, He took off on Saturday afternoon (25), from Manaus to the Airport of Confins in Belo Horizonte with the Brazilians who were deported from the United States, after inauguration of the new president, Donald Trump.
The US aircraft, which carried 158 people, had to make an emergency landing on Friday night in Manaus due to technical problems.
The Federal Police (PF) welcomed Brazilians on site and maintains contact with US government representatives, health professionals accompany the deported.
The plane was on the ground in Manaus awaiting various procedures to be performed by the competent bodies. The transportation of the deported Brazilians who are in Manaus to Belo Horizonte is made after a determination of President Lula .
Justice Minister Ricardo Lewandowski ordered the removal of handcuffs from 88 Brazilians who were in the aircraft, the folder was justified by note.
“The Ministry of Justice and Public Security emphasizes that the dignity of the human person is a basic principle of the Federal Constitution and one of the pillars of the Democratic Rule of Law, constituting non -negotiable values,” the note concluded.
This content was originally published on a plane with Brazilian deported deported from Manaus on CNN Brazil.
Source: CNN Brasil

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