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Police arrest drug mule recruiter and more than 20 drug trafficking suspects in SP

The Civil Police of São Paulo arrested this Wednesday, the 4th, a 27-year-old man suspected of recruiting “mules” to transport drugs to countries in Europe and Asia. He is believed to be responsible for a lodging in the Vila Sônia neighborhood, in the southern part of the capital, which served as a shelter for the people responsible for transporting the drugs.

Police arrived at the scene after local residents became suspicious of the activities taking place at the property. The officers arrested 22 people in flagrante delicto, along with the pimp. They seized 194 capsules of cocaine, 17 passports, cell phones, suitcases and three airline tickets.

In the house, there were also medicine kits used to “prepare” the mules to transport the drugs inside their stomachs.

During the approach, the police identified that three people in the group who were preparing to travel to Paris, the capital of France, had just swallowed the capsules. The trio was taken to the hospital to expel the contents. The defense of the detainees was not located.

The 27-year-old man, suspected of enticing the group and accommodating them in the property, arrived at the residence in a car and soon left the location. Even so, he was caught by the agents, who found drugs and passports inside the vehicle, according to the police.

The case was registered as drug trafficking, association for drug trafficking and location/seizure of a vehicle at the 17th Police District (Ipiranga), informed the Public Security Department of São Paulo, in a note.

This content was originally published in Police arrest “mule” recruiter and more than 20 drug trafficking suspects in SP on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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