Pope Francis sends message of solidarity to those affected by heavy rains in RS

Pope Francis sent, on Friday (8), a message of solidarity to those affected by the cyclone that passed through Rio Grande do Sul, leaving at least 46 dead in the state.

The telegram to the archbishop of Santa Maria (RS) and president of the South 3 region of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Dom Leomar Brustolin, is signed by the pontiff’s secretary of state, cardinal Pietro Parolin, and speaks of a “trace of destruction and death.”

See also – Rains in the South: measures that can be taken to minimize the tragedy

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Francisco calls for the reconstruction of the localities quickly and effectively and also granted the apostolic blessing to all those affected by the tragedy.

According to the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul, as of Friday night (8), 46 deaths had been recorded.

Among the most affected cities are Muçum, Roca Sales, Nova Bassano, Santa Tereza, Bento Gonçalves, Estrela, Ibiraiaras, Passo Fundo, Mato Castelhano, Encantado, Lajeado and Arroio do Meio.

To date, 12 municipalities have declared an emergency. The main damage in the region was recorded in homes, public buildings, businesses, agricultural areas, roads and bridges. There are still sections of highways blocked due to the rain.

The number of homeless is 3,046, in addition to 7,781 displaced people. In total, 135,000 people were affected in the state.

Ready meals and supplies are sent to cyclone victims in RS

At least 200 meals a day began to be distributed this Friday (8) to victims of the extratropical cyclone that devastated part of Rio Grande do Sul and volunteers for the tragedy.

Lunch boxes are prepared in a supportive kitchen. The initiative is coordinated by Ação da Cidadania, which has also distributed 500 basic food baskets and 1,500 personal hygiene kits.

Donation collection continues. Donations can be made via the website www.acaodacidadania.org.br/emergencias and via pix: [email protected].

The NGO restarted the emergency campaign on Wednesday (6). The material collected is directed to the most affected municipalities by local leaders and authorities.

The Emergencies campaign has already provided support, on other occasions, to municipalities in Maranhão, Tocantins, Pará, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas and Pernambuco.

*With information from Estadão Conteúdo

Source: CNN Brasil

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