Positive to sending prisoners to El Salvador Donald Trump says

US President Donald Trump confirmed the fact that he would like to be sent to US prisons in El Salvador. His intention concerns the “harsh criminals”, and the idea encounters many legal obstacles. “If we had the right to do so, I would do it without hesitation,” the US president said at the Oval Office. “I don’t know if it happens, we are still looking at the issue,” he added. “It is no different from our own criminal system, beyond that it would cost much less and be more deterrent,” he ruled. Salvador Nagib Bouquel’s president proposed Monday to the US yesterday to send prisoners, even US nationals, to the huge prison built in his days. He asked for a remuneration in return that will help fund his country’s prison system, which is full of “war” against the gangs he declared. Mr Trump compared the proposal with “private prisons” in the US, which also receive funding […]
Source: News Beast

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