Researcher warns of possible internet collapse after solar storm

According to professor and researcher Peter Becker, from George Mason University, in Virginia, in the United States, we could have an ‘internet apocalypse’ as early as 2024.

According to the professional, the event was due to a strong solar storm. Peter works to develop a warning system for solar activities that could affect global development and spoke about this possible collapse of the web.

According to him, according to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, Solar Cycle 25 was already predicted to bring a solar storm in mid-2025, but the activity could occur earlier than expected, as early as 2024.

The statements were made in an interview with the American website Fox 13 Seattle.

Becks states that, if the solar mass ejection towards Earth actually happens, they will have around 18 to 24 hours of warning. “Around 18, maybe 24 hours of warning before the particles reach Earth and start changing the planet’s magnetic field,” she explained.

Furthermore, Peter also stated that the storm could cause damage to communications equipment, the electrical grid, navigation systems (such as GPS) and that this could last for weeks or even months.

The researcher recalled that the last time a solar storm of similar intensity hit Earth was in 1859, in an episode that became known as the “Carrington Event”.

“[O evento] knocked out the telegraph system, sparks were flying everywhere on the telegraph lines. Some operators were electrocuted due to the high voltage carried by the cables, which should never happen, but the variations in the magnetic field became so strong that it worked as a generator system that carried these currents through the cables,” said Becker.

Source: CNN Brasil

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