US diplomat leader Marko Rubio accused the governments of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba, “enemies of mankind” on Tuesday, that they “created” the migration crisis in the western hemisphere. “These three regimes (…) in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba are enemies of mankind and created a migratory crisis. If there were no these three regimes, we would not have a migratory crisis in the hemisphere, “Rubio said during a press conference in Costa Rica. “They created it because the systems do not work,” he insisted, speaking in Spanish, US Secretary of State, son of Cuban immigrants in the US. “The discomfort once again occupies the US cynical politicians,” was the reaction through X of Cuban President Miguel Dia-Kanel. “It is proven that the migratory exit to Cuba is commensurate with the hardening of the exclusion, which deprives our people of absolutely necessary goods,” he continued. “Humanity is in danger because of your neo-fascism,” President Dia-Canel added. Foreign Minister […]
Source: News Beast

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