Five people were injured in a Ukrainian attack in the western Russian city of Belgorod, local authorities said today. Four injured were taken to hospital, regional governor Vichilav Gladkov said in a post on his Telegram channel. He said in his post that the large-scale attack damaged high-rise buildings and 75 smaller residences. In addition, it reports that dozens of cars, as well as water and natural gas pipelines, were damaged. According to independent observers, the Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod is Kiev’s response to the Russian airstrike in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Gladkov also wrote in his post that four other towns in the Belgorod region came under fire overnight. However, according to preliminary reports, only material damage was caused. The Russian city of Belgorod and the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv are about 70 kilometers apart. Source: RES
Source: News Beast
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