Categories: Politics

São Paulo City Hall will define by January 10th whether there will be Carnival

São Paulo City Hall will define by January 10th whether there will be Carnival

The City Hall of São Paulo will decide whether the Carnival will be held or canceled until January 10th.

As informed to the CNN the municipal secretary of Health, Edson Aparecido, this is the deadline for managers to receive the position of health surveillance about the party.

This Friday (31), the City Hall published in the Official Gazette of the City the list of 696 street blocks authorized to parade in 2022, with conditions for the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, “considering that the definitive authorization to carry out of street carnival […] is subject to release by the Health Surveillance Coordination”, says the text.

The ordinance also establishes that any cancellations must be reported by January 21 to the City Hall. According to the forecast given by Aparecido, until then, there will already be a definition of the continuity or not of the preparations.

Some blocks have already announced that the return to the streets will not be made in 2022. The advance of the variant and the growth in cases of Influenza also resulted in the cancellation of 24 street blocks that would participate in the São Paulo Carnival next year. The first list had been released on 27 November.

The parsimony in nailing the realization or cancellation of Carnival is not just São Paulo, and not just the capital. There is also no definition of the party in Rio de Janeiro, a state with a great tradition in the party.

In other places, the sum of cases of the Ômicron variant with the advance of Influenza have already made the rulers reject the idea of ​​celebration. This is the case in Bahia: through social networks, Governor Rui Costa (PT) declared that “it was impossible to make the Carnival” of 2022.

Reference: CNN Brasil