A 69 -year -old believed to maintain a virtual love relationship with billionaire Elon Musk. According to the information provided by family members to the Goiás State Civil Police, the victim even made two loans, one of them valued at $ 62,000 and the other at $ 92,000.
According to the Civil Police, the scammer requested values to supply his alleged aircraft. There was also a confidence pact celebrated between the two, in which the criminal instigated the victim to cut his own hand in order to prove his love for billionaire Elon Musk.
Emotionally involved, the woman, in addition to making the two loans that add up to more than $ 150,000, wanted to sell her own house to send the amounts requested by the scammer. The property is valued at R $ 500 thousand.
According to information passed on by the case delegate, the alleged Elon Musk added the victim to Facebook and later exchanged messages with the elderly woman through the Telegram app, in which the two kept contact for hours and hours every day.
After acquiring the confidence of the elderly, the scammer started to make requests to her, promising to send gifts in return, such as flowers, jewelry and other items that never arrived at the victim’s house.
The investigations, which have not been completed so far, indicate that there is a very well -structured criminal organization, which has already led to several victims in the country.
Given this scenario, the police advised the relatives of the victim to request their equity ban with the judiciary, which was granted.
The delegate of the case advised that relatives have a lot of zeal with the elderly, especially when they realize that they are spending a lot of time on the mobile device. If it is suspected of love relationship, it is indicated that family members seek to see if the person on the other side exists.
“Be cautious about the voice of artificial intelligence and in the case of any kind of financial value request, there should already be distrust if there are doubts, immediately seek security forces for a proper investigation and finding the truth of the facts presented”, concluded.
This content was originally published in a coup is set by Elon Musk and the elderly loses R $ 150,000 on a GO loan on CNN Brazil.
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.