The interviews by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and Simone Tebet (MDB) for the newspaper Nacional followed the script of previous interviews with Ciro Gomes (PDT) and Bolsonaro and little is known about what will actually be done in the economy.
Starting with Lula, the speech of more public investment right from the start left a bitter taste of the unsuccessful experiences in the past with the PAC and plans of the same kind. As the topic slipped into corruption and a nostalgic look at a glorious past imagined by the president, we were left without knowing much about what a Lula government would be.
Perhaps what drew the most attention, and has also circulated in some circles, is the possibility of a greater role for Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) in the government. A Ministry of Finance would not be all bad and would give a liberal veneer to a government with a PT eager to spend. The question is whether Alckmin would last long and a fall would not make him leave the government as vice president.
An external solution a la Henrique Meirelles would make more sense, as he has some political experience and has already been through the ministry with important reforms. With some shielding from Lula and Alckmin he could do a good job. But he needs to agree with the Russians, in this case the PT, who will hardly look at Meirelles or anyone else with good eyes.
Departures via Pérsio Arida, for example, would also be very positive, especially after he had already presented an interesting flight plan for the Group of 6.
In any case, Lula’s idea of stability, predictability and credibility sounds like balm for the market. The hard part will be to regain the Executive’s place in the midst of an increasingly empowered Legislature.
This rebalancing of powers that Lula would try to bring about would be interesting, especially with a Bolsonaro capitulated by Congress. We all know that the cap rule will be redone, in any elected government. What is expected in Lula’s case is that it will be improved and not just undone.
Simone Tebet has the market’s dream project. With an exceptional team by her side, starting with Elena Landau, plans will not be lacking for the government. Plans that Simone was not able to develop satisfactorily, perhaps out of nervousness, but which show up in her written program.
Its social plan is perhaps the best designed of all, following the guidelines of a previous project presented by Senator Tasso Jereissati (PSDB-CE) and which would be a qualitative leap in the country’s social programs by creating insurance against income instability and also aiming at savings for the poorest young population.
Macro stability with Simone would be more doable. In a survey carried out by Broadcast with the market on three issues, macroeconomic balance, monetary and fiscal policy and governance, Simone appears far ahead in the three cases. And, in fact, she would be better able to present a more coherent plan and talk to the right and left, with a focus outside the polarization.
However, Simone seems to me to be more fragile with a more independent Congress and that, having Arthur Lira (PP-AL) still as president of the Chamber, will bring her governability difficulties due to the secret budget. But his tax reform promises to be the most thorough of all, focusing on real tax simplification.
Despite having little Executive experience, Simone has demonstrated the ability to articulate and assemble good teams, which is a good sign of what her government could be. The difficulty, however, lies precisely in a polarization to appease the population’s spirits. It seems to be a project more for 2026 than now.
Simone seems to have the best project for the economy, but Lula has the best chance of being elected. Who knows, in an eventual composition of the second round, part of Simone’s project could be incorporated into Lula’s. Can’t expect much more than that.
This text does not necessarily represent the opinion of CNN Brasil.
Source: CNN Brasil

I am Sophia william, author of World Stock Market. I have a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and I have worked as a reporter for several news websites. I have a passion for writing and informing people about the latest news and events happening in the world. I strive to be accurate and unbiased in my reporting, and I hope to provide readers with valuable information that they can use to make informed decisions.