Almost two years after the death of the Irish singer-songwriter Sinead O’Connor (then 56 years old, on July 26, 2023) details emerge on the cause of death and last wishes.
He left 1.7 million pounds gross to his children Roisin and Yeshua, inviting them to squeeze out the rights to his songs to the hilt, once they came of age, including the hit Nothing compares 2 Uwritten by Prince. Her third son Shane took his own life at 17 after escaping from a psychiatric hospital, just eighteen months before his mother disappeared, found dead in her London flat. The religious objects would go to him. The youngest, Yeshua, also received the music collection that belonged to his mother. The executor is her ex-husband and music producer John Reynolds, from whom she separated in 1991.
According to rumors from The SunSinead wanted to be placed in the coffin with a priest’s robe, a Hebrew Bible and with his album Theologya highly symbolic choice because she had been ordained a priest in 1999 of the Latin Tridentine church. Before he converted to Islam, he also signed a document in 2013 stipulating that his offspring could scatter his ashes if they wanted.
The cause of death has been confirmed
The singer who sold 6.2 million albums passed away chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthmaas stated on the death certificate. Dermott Hayes, on the other hand, another ex of hers, thinks that her heart couldn’t handle the pain of her son’s suicide. On the other hand, a few days before leaving this earth she herself had written: “Losing a child is not good for the soul.” The artist suffered from depression and, due to the tragedy, had canceled all live concerts, dedicating a post on Instagram to the boy: «The light of my life has decided to end its earthly struggle and is now with God».
In 2017 she changed her name to Magda Davitt and, after Islamism, to Shuhada’ Sadaqat.
But right from the first steps in the world of music there has always been something spiritual, as in the song Never Get Old in which he quotes some passages from the Bible in Gaelic with Enya. His religious beliefs began to become more evident in the 1990s, when he did not want to perform after the American national anthem or when he showed a photo of John Paul II on TV, talking about pedophilia and calling him “the real enemy”, meaning the entire Catholic Church.

All this sparked a lot of controversy and annoyed reactions from the public, and in 2005 in an interview with the magazine Interview he said that his mission was «Saving God from religion». His memoir was released in 2021 Rememberingsbefore Shane died and his condition worsened.
Source: Vanity Fair

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