SYRIZA: Tsipras’s phone call to Tsakalotos, Voutsi, Vitsa and the new secretary – The background

By Niki Zorba

In a short time, Alexis Tsipras is expected to reveal his proposal for the new secretary of the party, during his speech to the new Central Committee of SYRIZA, which will be called and elected.

At the same time, he will probably nominate the deputy secretary today. If the secretary is a woman, her deputy will be a man as she is repeatedly mentions, due to the 50-50 quota that has been decided to apply to all party parties.

Background and surprises

Thereafter, throughout the week vrikotaAn ongoing outrageous background for both the secretary and the other Bodies: The election of the new Political Council (renamed the Political Secretariat) as well as the appointment of the members of the executive office (formerly the “Political Center”, ie the ” coffee group “, of very close associates of Alexis Tsipras), which in addition to ex officio participation, such as the secretary, spokesman and IMF parliamentary group, the remaining (few) members will be chosen by the president of the party .

Based on the new information, the possibility of Dimitris Tzanakopoulos remaining secretary of the party is ruled out, a decision taken by Alexis Tsipras together with the current secretarywhich is also credited with successes such as the realization of the pan-Hellenic conference last summer, the holding of the conference and of course the perfectly orderly operation of the internal party election of May 15th.

Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, however, had been clarified by “Umbrella” that he was not going to vote in favor of the “white”, a fact about which the president of the party had been informed.

Specifically, in the middle of last week, Mr. Tsipras had contacted by phone – in the context of his repeated contacts with first-class party officials – with: Euclid Tsakalotos, Nikos Voutsis and Dimitris Vitsas, all members of the “internal opposition”.

According to confirmed information from those directly involved, Mr. Tsipras expressed his intention to work closely with them. In Euclid Tsakalotos, he allegedly stated that he would do whatever was necessary to heal the internal party wounds that grew after the congress and said that several people with inflammatory speech appeared to speak in his “name” as presidents and asked to “leave”. the weights “, in no way reflect his own views. As for Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, he was informed by the same cycle of phone calls that Umbrella will not vote for him.

The president of SYRIZA is also aware of the decision not to run for the political secretariat (the approximately 35-member body that is elected by the KE today and replaces the political council), N. Voutsis, D. Vitsas and T. Dritsas.

Source: Capital

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