The tile remains unstoppable in the middle of the second wave of the coronavirus. Demand grows in the main markets and exports are already practically in the same figures as last year when no one could imagine the pandemic that was going to brand this financial year 2020. The consumption of natural gas is also […]
Tag: Castellón
Coverings 2021 ‘moves’ to July
The organization of the American Coverings ceramic fair, whose edition of 2021 was scheduled from April 13 to 16, has finally decided to move the celebration to July. Specifically, Coverings will take place from 7 to 9 of that month in Orlando. As this newspaper has learned, the change is motivated by the evolution of […]
Construction creates employment in Castellón despite the virus and the fall in public bidding
The construction sector resists the onslaught of the crisis caused by the coronavirus health pandemic and faces the second wave of infections with more workers and the same number of companies. The latest data from the Construction Labor Foundation Observatory show that the number of Social Security affiliates in the construction sector has grown […]
Tourism and hospitality demand direct aid as in Germany to avoid definitive closures in the pandemic
The tourism and hospitality sector of the province of Castellón this Wednesday launched a clear and forceful message to the administrations focused on alleviating their complicated situation in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. The vice-president of the Provincial Association of entrepreneurs in the tourism and hospitality sector of Castellón, Ashotur, Luis MartÃ, in the […]
APIs warn: limiting the rental price will encourage the black market
Real estate agents warn that limiting the rental price will incentivize the black market and it will cause a totally different objective than the one intended with the measure: Make the market more expensive. This is stated by the president of the Official Association of Real Estate Agents of Castellón (COAPI), Francisco Nomdedu, who explains […]
UBE stabilizes results and fights the virus with an investment of 49 million euros
The Japanese chemical company UBE Corporation Europe, based in Castellón, look optimistically to the future despite the pandemic global coronavirus health. The president of UBE, Bruno de BiÚvre, stated on Tuesday that the company maintains intact its investment plan, which includes a 60 million euros for the 2019-2020 triennium of those that remain to be […]
Santi Gimeno: “Technology is essential to lead and be an active actor in the economy”
Santi Gimeno (Burriana, 1978) is managing partner of Cuatroochenta, the Castellón technology company that despite its youth (it was established in 2011) is on everyone’s lips even more if possible after achieving its latest milestone: the ringing of the bell on the Madrid Stock Exchange. With a degree in Journalism from the Ramon Llull […]
The Ministry only resolves one of every three requests for Minimum Vital Income and denies 60%
The Congress of Deputies approved the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) last June to guarantee a minimum monthly income to all citizens, until reaching a threshold of 462 euros, at an especially difficult time for many households due to the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The benefit could be requested from June 15 and the […]
Sánchez maintains the investment pulse in the province with 242.9 million against Covid-19
Pedro Sanchez intends to maintain the investment pulse for 2021 to avoid the collapse of the economy of the province of Castellon amid the coronavirus pandemic. With an investment planned in Castellón that will reach 242.9 million euros, the President of the Government aspires to face a crisis in the Covid-19 whose end is not […]
Nightlife adds 800,000 euros in losses with its ‘blackout’ due to the virus
The inactivity imposed on nightlife by the coronavirus has left an economic hole of great depth in the box of the sector. The premises that, without the pandemic, concentrated hundreds of young people weekend after weekend in crowded spaces, now have the door shut tight. For the public administration, your activity is incompatible with the […]