Tag: Economy

Miquel Iceta Announces That The Government Will Launch A New Public Employment Offer In June

Miquel Iceta Announces That The Government Will Launch A New Public Employment Offer In June

The Government will launch a new Public Job Offer next June, as the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Miquel Iceta, declared in Congress this Thursday in his appearance on the Commission. “In June the Public Offer of Employment for this year will be published, because we do not want to weaken the public […]

The Pp Wants To Evaluate Each Sepi Bailout In Congress And Commission An External Audit If There Are Suspicions

The Pp Wants To Evaluate Each Sepi Bailout In Congress And Commission An External Audit If There Are Suspicions

The PP wants Congress to be able to vote on the suitability of the rescue operations of the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) and commission, if the Chamber so agrees, a external and independent assessment to check legality in case of suspicions. This is stated in the motion registered in Congress, to which Europa […]

The Tile Remains On The Rise In 80% Of Its First Markets

The Tile Remains On The Rise In 80% Of Its First Markets

The Spanish tile industry manages to face the start of the year 2021 with a good performance in exports in most of its first clients abroad despite the ravages of the pandemic. This is revealed by the statistics of the territorial directorate of Commerce in Valencia for the month of January. The Spanish sector, which […]

This Is Puy Du Fou: The Mega-park Of History In Toledo With Impressive Live Shows

This Is Puy Du Fou: The Mega-park Of History In Toledo With Impressive Live Shows

Entering Puy du Fou is time travel. And dive into stories with History. Accompany the Cid Campeador on his adventures and sail with Christopher Columbus on a ship that moves and, even at times, seems to be sinking. After a first test with night in The Dream of Toledo, which has been represented in the […]

Goldman Sachs Employees Claim To Work 80 Hours A Week Instead Of The Current 95

Goldman Sachs Employees Claim To Work 80 Hours A Week Instead Of The Current 95

A survey of 13 first-year Goldman Sachs analysts and shared in February with the investment bank’s management has reached Twitter, where the conditions in which they work have gone viral. So overwhelming is their situation that among the requests there is one that sums up the stressfulness of their work environment: they would come to […]

María Jesús Montero Justifies Granting 53 Million To The Plus Ultra Airline For Its 350 Employees: “it Is Relevant And Strategic”

María Jesús Montero Justifies Granting 53 Million To The Plus Ultra Airline For Its 350 Employees: “it Is Relevant And Strategic”

The Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero, has justified the granting of 53 million public money to the small airline Plus Ultra, because “it has 350 direct jobs” and has described it as “relevant and strategic”. In an intervention during the control session, Montero has had to answer about the reasons why the Sociedad Estatal […]

Ceramics Contribute One Out Of Every 217 Euros Collected By The Tax Agency

Ceramics Contribute One Out Of Every 217 Euros Collected By The Tax Agency

The Spanish ceramic sector, whose production is based on more than 90% in the province of Castellón, is crucial for tax collection in Spain. The industry contributes one of every 217 euros collected by the Tax Agency, with a global amount that is close to 1,000 million euros. Specifically, the figure stands at 982 million […]

When And How To Pay Personal Income Tax In 2021 For Selling A Flat

When And How To Pay Personal Income Tax In 2021 For Selling A Flat

The sale of a home is taxed on the capital gain obtained from the operation, that is, if, broadly speaking, the property has been sold for more money than it was purchased. When and how does it have to be declared? The income statement campaign begins in April, but the dates to be considered will […]

Brussels Launches Its ‘vaccination Passport’: A Free And Universal Qr To Avoid Quarantines And Pcr To Tourists

Brussels Launches Its ‘vaccination Passport’: A Free And Universal Qr To Avoid Quarantines And Pcr To Tourists

The idea is quite simple and although the technical development is somewhat more complicated, it does not have enormous difficulties either. The practical application, however, is another story. The European Commission has approved and submitted this Wednesday its proposal for a vaccination certificate or passport, a Green Digital Certificate with which it hopes to resolve […]

The Cnmv Foresees A “record” Year In Ipos And Is Committed To Promoting Spacs In Spain

The Cnmv Foresees A “record” Year In Ipos And Is Committed To Promoting Spacs In Spain

The year 2021 will be, among other things, the year in which the drought of IPOs in Spain ends. And not only that, but the debuts will even mark a “record” figure. This is how he ventured this Wednesday Rodrigo Buenaventura, president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), during the presentation of the supervisor’s […]