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Tag: Tarjetas Black

Conthe, candidate for the Frob, rules out financial exclusion due to mergers: “Offices are closed in highly populated places”

Conthe, candidate for the Frob, rules out financial exclusion due to mergers: “Offices are closed in highly populated places”

The candidate proposed by the Government to preside over the Frob, Paula Conthe, believes that the new round of mergers announced in the banking sector will not lead to a worrying increase in financial concentration and rules out that it will worsen exclusion in some provinces of the country. “The duplication of offices and closures […]

The Frob blesses the absorption of Bankia by CaixaBank: “It will facilitate the recovery of aid”

The Frob blesses the absorption of Bankia by CaixaBank: “It will facilitate the recovery of aid”

  The Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (Frob) has definitively blessed the absorption of Bankia by CaixaBank by concluding that it will facilitate the recovery of part of the billions of public euros allocated to the rescue of the entity in the year 2012. The public body has issued a report this Friday in which […]