The other day Telegram launched a paid subscription. One of the main features of Telegram Premium has become the function of decrypting voice messages, in the implementation of which the Internet giant Google helps the popular messenger. This is evidenced by one of the new points of the Telegram privacy policy.
“Because Telegram may rely on a third party, Google LLC, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, to convert voice to text, the content of voice messages that users choose to have translated to text may be shared with Google in order to obtain a transcript,” reads paragraph 8.5 of the privacy policy. Telegram.
But that’s not all. In addition to voice messages, Telegram can transfer the user’s IP address to Google. This is possible if the user needs to translate a text message in the messenger into another language.
“Because Telegram may rely on a third party, Google LLC, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, for automatic translation, the text of certain messages that users choose to have translated may be shared with Google in order to receive their translated versions. The owner of a third-party service (Google) can also obtain the IP address of the user requesting the transfer – this is true for any similar translation service, ”clause 8.4 reads.
Telegram emphasizes that users should not worry, because it is impossible to establish a specific account or messenger user ID by IP address.
Source: Trash Box
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