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“Terrorist” attack on the border of Burkina Faso with Niger – Seven civilians dead

Seven people were killed by “terrorists” in a village in Tilaberi prefecture, western Niger, near the border with Burkina Faso, the army announced last night. “Terrorists on motorcycles attacked (this week) the village of Doso Kuregu, about 13 kilometers northwest of Kokoro, killing seven civilians and stealing livestock,” the armed forces said in a bulletin on operations in recent days. They assured that “operations are underway to find and neutralize the perpetrators”. “At the beginning of the week”, before the attack on the village, patrols participating in the anti-terrorist “Operation Niya” were able to “neutralize (kill) 13 terrorists” and “arrest 29 others” in Dargol and Bankilare districts, also in the region of Tilaberi, on the border with Burkina Faso, they added. Kokoru is in Tera province, where 20 soldiers were killed on June 25 in an attack carried out by an “alliance of armed organizations”. In response to the deaths of the 20 soldiers, the armed forces launched air and ground operations during […]
Source: News Beast

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