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The camel position is the one that will boost your sexuality!

The yoga it is a complete discipline because it helps to find balance in one’s world, physically, mentally and emotionally. By teaching us to embrace every moment and live life one breath at a time, yoga allows us to better connect with ourselves and also with our partner, spiritually, physically and yes, also sexually.

Yoga tones the bodies, reduces stress levels and increases energy, but did you know that yoga can also help ignite the libido and boost your sex life?

A 2009 study showed that “regular yoga practice improves several aspects of sexual function in women, including desire, arousal, orgasm and general satisfaction“.

How can yoga improve sex life?

Among many things, yoga helps increase flexibility; to maintain a healthy body image, increasing self-esteem; to learn and appreciate awareness in the present moment, but above all it helps to increase libido.

There are many yoga poses ideal for increasing circulation in the pelvic region, making it more toned and receptive to pleasure. Among these, there is the position of the camel or Ustrasana.

The camel pose or Ustrasana, the boost for your sex life!

The position of the camel (Ustrasana) is an energizing and beneficial asana that involves the back, capable of “Open” the heart area, relieving lower back pain. The main thing to avoid with Ustrasana is putting too much strain on the neck or lower back. To avoid this, she lifts and lengthens your torso before gently arching into the pose, working your breath well. Ustrasana, in fact, opens the front of the body to expand the lungs.

But not only: «Backbending is a journey into the nervous system and all emotions that our nerves and sense organs can trigger, from fear to euphoria – he comments Leigh FerraraCalifornia-based yoga teacher – In some people, arching the back can trigger the fear of falling. To physically counter that feeling, push your hips forward to counteract the backward movement. But also breathe and focus your mind on the confidence that your body will support you. ”

“This position is a real cure-all: after a long day bent over the laptop, doing it is ideal for stretching the front of the body and counteracting the effects of hunching – he says. Tracy Middletondirector of “Yoga journal” – But that’s not the only benefit: Ustrasana is like an emotional valve, because it opens the heart chakrawhich is associated with love and compassion ”.

The benefits of the Camel Pose

The Camel position can help build trust and empowerment. It improves posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sedentary lifestyle, such as kyphosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). It can also help relieve back pain. Stretch your abdomen, chest, shoulders, front of hips (hip flexors) and front of thighs (quadriceps). It also strengthens the back muscles, the back of the thighs (hamstring) and buttocks. Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, opening the pelvis and improving blood circulation in the area. Hence, the sexual benefits.

How to do the Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

– Get on your knees, with your legs hip-width apart. Keep your hips aligned above your knees and squeeze your thighs together.

– Inhale, engage the lower part of the belly and push the coccyx towards the knees, creating space between the lower vertebrae.

– With another inhalation, lift your sternum and bring your elbows back, towards each other behind you. Allow the rib cage to expand.

– Keep your chest lifted, core contracted, spine long, chin bent and shoulders back as you lower your hands towards your heels.

– With your hands grasp the heels, continue to open the breastbone (if you do not have the spinal flexibility for the complete Ustrasana, avoid reaching the feet; rather grab the ankles or keep the hands on the hips).

– Now lift your shoulders to allow the trapezius muscles between the shoulder blades to lift and take the weight off the cervical spine. He lets the head and neck gently drop back. She looks at the tip of her nose.

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Source: Vanity Fair

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