The female side of the Dakar 2025

Jasmine, Céline and Georgina are three of the 48 women present at Dakar 2025. They wore the colors of the Ford-Performance team In the most heroic of the desert rally that has been taking place in Saudi Arabia since 2020. Among other things, just for info, it will always be held in these desert territories at least until 2029. These three professionals, together with the others 65 members of the teamthey shared exhausting working times and not really easy working conditions considering the desert environment.

The complete team of Ford Performance and M-Sport.

It is essential for us to always focus on the best people for each position, regardless of the genre, skin color or other,” explains Jay WardDirector of the Communication of Ford Perfomance. “First of all, What matters is competence. However, we also want to entice women to understand that working in motorsport is an excellent opportunity as much for them as for men »tells the English manager with the utmost naturalness.

We interviewed the three professionals halfway through Dakar on the only day of pause (for pilots) al Hail bivouac in the heart of Saudi Arabia. But the fact that it was not corrected, has certainly not meaning having a free day. Quite the opposite: the technical staff intensified the effort to start again as the following day in the maximum efficiency possible. At that moment of Dakar, in fact, Carlos Sainz Sr He had already retired for a serious accident that had compromised the safety of the car. He and his navigator Lucas Cruz Fortunately, nothing were done; thanks to the technique applied to the car cell. The other two Raptor Ford Performance Of Mattias Ekstrom e Mitchell Guthrie They were respectively in third and sixth place. Much further back nani rome for the breaking of the engine and the following replacement that compromised the ranking. So a lot of pressure! But here are the questions:

Jasmine the mechanic woman of the Ford Perdomance team.

Jasmine, the mechanic woman of the Ford Perdomance team.

Why did you choose to participate in the Dakar?

Jasmine (mechanic):
I found myself a little by chance, but I come from a family of pilots. Since I was a child, I’ve always been involved in racing and that’s what I love to do. I can’t imagine myself in normal work, with fixed times from 9 to 17 and the usual routine.

Céline (Manager):
I have always dreamed of working at Dakar, I have always suffered the charm. My work concerns everything that concerns the regulation and coordination of the teams, especially when you move from one place to another.

Georgina (physiotherapist):
I am a physiotherapist, but I don’t only deal with this. I started working with M-Sport about three and a half years ago, first in the WRC the Rally World Championship. For me, Dakar represents the maximum of the rally. It was a great honor to be invited to be part of this new adventure.

Georgina the physiotherapist of Team Ford Perfomance.

Georgina, the physiotherapist of Team Ford Perfomance.

What were your expectations for this experience and what did you really find?

I had no precise expectations, but I wanted to be part of something great. I wanted to enter a great team and help make history. I followed Dakar since I was a child, so I knew I wouldn’t find the comfort of a 5 -star hotel. I was not disappointed, I knew what I was going on. The thing that struck me most was the organization, which is not perceived on TV. Everything is extraordinary: from safety to the number of doctors and helicopters available.

I didn’t know what to expect, but I was enthusiastic about participating. I found myself guiding much more than I thought: 740 km in one day were a company! However, I liked it very much, even more than I imagined. Surprisingly, I slept more than expected.

The cars of the Ford Perd Team at the start of the final test before the Rally departure.

The cars of the Ford Perd Team at the start of the final test before the Rally departure.

Have you encountered difficulties in the first days of Dakar?

From the physical point of view it was tough: very long days and too short nights. The first bivouac was very cold and windy. Dakar test everything: the mechanic, the pilot and the car. We thought we were well prepared, but you are never completely ready for Dakar. However, this allowed me to learn a lot and evolve as a mechanic.

The greatest difficulty was managed the pilots and co-pilots when they returned after 48 hours with various injuries. I had to make sure I had everything you need to make their experience more comfortable, even in the middle of the desert, where you cannot simply go to buy something in the pharmacy.

CLINE The head of the regulatory and coordination of the teams within the Ford Perdomance team. At ...

Céline, the head of the regulation and coordination of the teams within the Ford Perda team. At his side the pilot Mitchell Guthrie.

How do you experience the fact of being women in a traditionally male environment?

I feel comfortable. I grew up with a father who has always supported me and prepared to work in this sector. You have to be decided and not be afraid to be respected. Here you cannot be hesitant in carrying out a task because there is always someone willing to perform it more faster to help the team.

I have always preferred to work in male environments. I have never had great problems, except for some rare cases in which I had to put things clear. As Jasmine says, you simply have to be respected.

I think it’s not a gender issue. This work requires great resilience and the ability to face difficult situations. Many men I know would not be able to do what we do, because it requires living away from home, without comfort and with intense rhythms.

Jay Ward Communication Director of Ford Perfomance.

Jay Ward, Director of the Communication of Ford Perfomance.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?

When the car starts and everything works perfectly thanks to my work. It is an incredible feeling that motivates me to continue.

Being able to solve the problems and know that you have helped the entire team. When everything goes well, I feel satisfied.

Help pilots give their best. When they come back and tell me they feel fit thanks to my work, it is very rewarding.

The cup for the first classified at Dakar.

The cup for the first classified at Dakar.

How do you see the future of women’s participation in competitions such as Dakar?

I hope to see many more women. Compared to when I started, things have changed. Now there are more mechanics, engineers and women’s pilots. When I was young, I was the only girl in a class of 30 boys. Today there are many more opportunities.

Over the past 15 years I have seen a great evolution. Now there are more women, not only as mechanics but also as high -level scripts. It is a positive change.

One of the four raptors of the Ford Performance Team present at the Dakar 2025

One of the four raptors of the Ford Performance Team present at the Dakar 2025

What advice would you give to a young woman who dreams of working at Dakar?

To follow your dream and not let yourself be discouraged. If a boy can do it, a girl can do it. You have to be determined and aware that, if you really want, it is possible.

If a woman is interested in the rally, she must absolutely try. It is an extraordinary world, which allows you to travel and meet incredible people.

Confirming the last words of the three professionals, Jay Ward from Ford Performance intervenes. «We already see women occupy important roles in all our global operations. For example, they work on the Mustang GT3 program. In addition, there are women incredibly successful in Formula 1, active at the highest levels. We hope that what we are doing – and that they are also doing other brands – convince more and more women to enter this world. As you have seen today, there are many opportunities: from mechanics to engineering, from marketing to team management. Each area offers possibilities for those who are passionate. The more women we will be able to involve, the better it will be for the whole sector.

Jay explained that, as a company, The main objective is to increase interest in motorsport Among all the audiences globally. He stressed that the female public represents a significant part of this strategy. In sports areas such as Formula 1, the female presence has grown considerably: if in the past women made up about 9% of the public, today this percentage rose to 40%. Much of this increase, he added, is attributable to the impact of programs such as Drive to survive. «There is an enthusiastic and interested female audience in motorsport, and the company’s task is that of find effective ways to connect with this audience, offering concrete opportunities»Concludes the global director of Ford Performance communication.

Source: Vanity Fair

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