The Government urges those who leave the Constitution bridge to remain confined in the second residence

The mobility restrictions due to the health crisis caused by the coronavirus do not seem to affect the majority of Catalans who want to enjoy the next Constitution bridge since, according to data from the Government, trips to second homes could increase. To circumvent the municipal perimeter lockdown, which begins Friday, drivers could choose to leave on Thursday. Although they are on notice of this possible alternative on the day of the departure of vehicles, mainly from the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​the Minister of the Interior, Miquel Sámper, does not plan to carry out any specific preventive device, only the usual traffickers, although he asked that the municipal confinement in second homes be respected as well.

What is clear is that the citizens who move during the bridge will leave in one phase and return in another, passing during the weekend from municipal to regional confinement from Monday. SÃ mper said that on Thursday, before the perimeter closure, mobility in the exits of Barcelona will increase much more than in recent weeks, when trips to second homes oscillated between 7 and 12% in relation to the others working days of the week. The municipal closure begins on Thursday at 10 at night, with the beginning of the night curfew, and will end on Monday at six in the morning.

On the other hand, the Health Department detected 1% positive for coronavirus in the 28,000 PCR tests and antigen tests that it carried out last week in several Catalan populations. This Tuesday, massive tests will begin in six districts of the city of Barcelona and in another 18 municipalities of central Catalonia, with antigens, which in some cases will last until the 16th. The objective is to detect the asymptomatic population over 16 years of age who have not had the disease, in order to stop the spread of the virus and break the chains of community transmission.

Regarding the data obtained, from Health it was indicated that before the second wave the positive results oscillated between 1.5 and 1.8%. The difference with these screens is that with the antigens the results are faster than a PCR and thus it is possible to isolate faster. Catalonia currently has about 1,200 new cases a day and 422 people admitted to ICUs, figures that are above expectations, which is why Health urged not to lower our guard and continue with caution to avoid the spread .

However, everything seems to indicate that as of Monday the phase changes in which the night curfew is maintained but the weekend confinement will be regional. In addition, the shopping centers will reopen, with 30% of the capacity, and the store will be able to reach 50% capacity and exceed 800 square meters open to the public. In the cultural sector, cinemas, theaters and concert halls can reach up to 70% of the public and the rest of the facilities, to 50% with a maximum of 500 people.

Although it did not specify, Salud believes that Christmas family gatherings could be of ten people and unite two bubbles of coexistence, but without specifying whether children under 14 will count as an adult.